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Updated: 2024-10-04 @ 23:32

🎮 Playing

🎧 Listening To

📖 Reading

📓 Learning

⚒️ Working On

Almost five months into the new location, and I’m still trying to sort out how I want things and where things should go. After being at my previous place for around five years, I had forgotten how long it took to get into normal habits and patterns at my place. I haven’t made any major changes or modifications yet because I want to live here longer before I decide to make changes. If I’m not sure how I want things five months in, I don’t want to make a change that I’m going to want to change in another five months!

My Playing, Reading, and Learning sections didn’t make a ton of progress through Summer, but I have lopped some things of the list and added some others. I have picked my 日本語 studies back up again. Its only duolingo, but I’m doing it regularly enough that I think I’ll get back into the habit, then switch to more traditional study methods - Heisig Kanji study method, Genki workbooks, and the Jorden and Noda spoken and written language books. I have considered looking for language share groups or more traditional classes, but haven’t invested a ton of time into it yet. I’m not going to plan too far ahead until I really get back into the swing of things.

Today is the 75% mark for WeeklyBeats. Having never released music before, I’m shocked that I’ve been able to keep up and release a new track for 39 weeks in a row. I said it before… there are definitely some duds in the bunch, but the fact that I still made new songs, mixed, and released them is really cool to me. Hoping nothing prevents me from completing all 52 weeks! I listed some of my favorite tracks in previous posts, so I’ll add some of my favories since my last post (6/14):

I have been using my M8 Model:02, since I got it a few months back, and it is LEAGUES better than the Model:01. While the software was great on the original (its the same as Model:02), the hardware improvements add major workflow and usage improvements. Just to name the biggest - there’s a built in mic for quick sampling, a larger screen, and larger battery. The larger battery is honestly the best improvement; I feel like I never have to charge it anymore. I still plan to write a post about how I use my M8 and some of the undocumented (or not officially documented) features and behaviors of the device.

Summer was busy but fun, looking forward to the Fall and Winter!

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