I’m still still working on music, but at a MUCH slower pace than in
2024. I plan to release some music this year, but its not clear when or
what I will release. Maybe there will be a remix/remaster of some tracks
I created last year; maybe a “best of” album with my favorites. I’ve
been working on some sort of Industrial/Synthwave tracks, but haven’t
gotten them to a state I’m happy with yet. They’re a bit repetitive and
need to be built into more full tracks. I also plan to experiment a bit
with lyrics. I’ve always struggled with creating good lyrics; though, I
tried last year for tracks like MIZERA, SORCO, FINO, and DEVIO. Making
lyrics that don’t feel cheesy, and get the idea/theme across is
difficult when you don’t write often - its something I need to work on.
I still want to write up about WeeklyBeats, but I still need some more
time to reflect on it. Maybe after I make that “best of” album.
I mentioned this previously on my Now page, but I’m planning a cycling tour in Tuscany, and actually booked the trip a couple weeks ago. I booked with inGamba, which is a bit expensive, but also seems like a pretty cool experience. The only thing you have to think about is cycling, everything else is taken care of - travel from the airport, meals, bike wash, laundry, daily massage… it’s gonna be amazing. Since that trip is only going to take a week, I’m debating if I want to continue the trip for a week in Rome, or if I want to fly to Munich to meet my brother for Oktoberfest. I haven’t fully decided on the timing, and I’m not sure if my brother will be up to it, but it could be fun! I’m also still planning a third trip to Japan for Spring 2026, but that’s far enough away, that I think I still have plenty of time to plan.
Since I’m planning a week long cycling tour, I decided to focus heavily on training, and I’ve started aggressively working on my fitness. Since the weather hasn’t been great, I’ve just been using Zwift and a combination of Recover and various Yoga videos to improve my mobility. Historically I haven’t been great at looking at my actual fitness, or worried about over/under training. This year, I started using intervals.icu to be a bit more focused and intentional with my training:
I plan to work on a specific training plan for inGAMBA once the date gets closer. To help with this and improve my understanding of my training, I’ve also started listening to The Cyclist’s Training Bible. I’m hoping to improve my overall understanding of cycling fitness using this, and improve my endurance and overall power output.
The first two months of the year have been interesting so far - hoping for good things as the year progresses!
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